Design Tokens
Design tokens are the visual design atoms of the design system — specifically, they are named entities that store visual design attributes. We use them in place of hard-coded values (such as hex values for color or pixel values for spacing) in order to maintain a scalable and consistent visual system for UI development.
Using Lightning Components? Read the Developer Guide on Styling with Design Tokens.
Token Support Legend:
Available to use on the Salesforce Platform.
Available to internal Salesforce developers only. Subject to change.
Generic colors to use within a Salesforce application. Tokens that have the prefix of "BRAND" are brandable tokens and are subject to change when a customer applies theming to their org. Please refer to the description of each token for their intended usage.
Token | Example | Released | Themeable | Support |
$brand-accessible Dark variant of BRAND that is accessible with white | rgb(1, 118, 211) #0176d3 BRAND_ACCESSIBLE | 2.6.0 | Yes | GA |
$brand-accessible-active Active / Hover state of BRAND_A11Y | rgb(1, 68, 134) #014486 BRAND_ACCESSIBLE_ACTIVE | 2.6.0 | Yes | GA |
$brand-background-dark Dark variant of BRAND_BACKGROUND_PRIMARY, used within gradient of background color | rgb(1, 68, 134) #014486 BRAND_BACKGROUND_DARK | 2.6.0 | Yes | GA |
$brand-background-dark-transparent These RGBA values need to be updated if BRAND_BACKGROUND_DARK changes, solves webkit bug | rgba(1, 68, 134, 0) rgba(1,68,134,0) | 2.6.0 | Yes | I |
$brand-background-primary Primary page background color | rgb(238, 244, 255) #eef4ff BRAND_BACKGROUND_PRIMARY | 2.6.0 | Yes | GA |
$brand-background-primary-transparent These RGBA values need to be updated if BRAND_BACKGROUND_PRIMARY changes, solves webkit bug | rgba(176, 196, 223, 0) rgba(176,196,223,0) | 2.6.0 | Yes | I |
$brand-contrast Variant of BRAND that is accessible with BRAND | rgb(26, 27, 30) #1a1b1e BRAND_CONTRAST | 2.6.0 | Yes | GA |
$brand-contrast-active Active / Hover state of BRAND_CONTRAST | rgb(13, 14, 18) #0d0e12 BRAND_CONTRAST_ACTIVE | 2.6.0 | Yes | GA |
$brand-dark Dark variant of BRAND that is accessible with light colors | rgb(1, 118, 211) #0176d3 BRAND_DARK | 2.6.0 | Yes | GA |
$brand-dark-active Active / Hover state of BRAND_DARK | rgb(37, 48, 69) #253045 BRAND_DARK_ACTIVE | 2.6.0 | Yes | GA |
$brand-disabled Disabled state of BRAND_A11Y | rgb(201, 199, 197) #c9c7c5 BRAND_DISABLED | 2.6.0 | Yes | GA |
$brand-header Background color a branded app header | rgb(255, 255, 255) #ffffff PALETTE_GRAY_1 | 2.6.0 | Yes | I |
$brand-header-contrast Variant of BRAND_HEADER that is accessible with BRAND_HEADER | rgb(94, 94, 94) #5e5e5e | 2.6.0 | Yes | I |
$brand-header-contrast-active Active / Hover state of BRAND_HEADER_CONTRAST | rgb(80, 80, 80) #505050 | 2.6.0 | Yes | I |
$brand-header-contrast-cool Variant of BRAND_HEADER_CONTRAST that provides a cool color | rgb(1, 68, 134) #014486 PALETTE_BLUE_30 | 2.6.0 | Yes | I |
$brand-header-contrast-cool-active Active / Hover state of BRAND_HEADER_CONTRAST_COOL | rgb(1, 68, 134) #014486 PALETTE_BLUE_30 | 2.6.0 | Yes | I |
$brand-header-contrast-inverse Variant of BRAND_HEADER that is accessible with BRAND_HEADER | rgb(255, 255, 255) #ffffff | 2.6.0 | Yes | I |
$brand-header-contrast-inverse-active Active / Hover state of BRAND_HEADER_CONTRAST | rgb(238, 238, 238) #eeeeee | 2.6.0 | Yes | I |
$brand-header-contrast-warm Variant of BRAND_HEADER_CONTRAST that provides a warm color | rgb(186, 5, 23) #ba0517 PALETTE_RED_40 | 2.6.0 | Yes | I |
$brand-header-contrast-warm-active Active / Hover state of BRAND_HEADER_CONTRAST_WARM | rgb(186, 5, 23) #ba0517 PALETTE_RED_40 | 2.6.0 | Yes | I |
$brand-header-contrast-weak Weak contrast ratio, useful for iconography | rgb(145, 145, 145) #919191 | 2.6.0 | Yes | I |
$brand-header-contrast-weak-active Active / Hover state of BRAND_HEADER_CONTRAST_WEAK | rgb(129, 129, 129) #818181 | 2.6.0 | Yes | I |
$brand-header-contrast-weak-disabled Disabled state of BRAND_HEADER_CONTRAST_WEAK | rgba(166, 166, 166, 0.25) rgba(166,166,166,0.25) | 2.6.0 | Yes | I |
$brand-header-icon Icons of BRAND_HEADER that is accessible with BRAND_HEADER | rgb(145, 145, 145) #919191 | 2.6.0 | Yes | I |
$brand-header-icon-active Active / Hover state of BRAND_HEADER_ICON | rgb(129, 129, 129) #818181 | 2.6.0 | Yes | I |
$brand-header-icon-disabled Disabled state of BRAND_HEADER_ICON | rgba(145, 145, 145, 0.25) rgba(145,145,145,0.25) | 2.6.0 | Yes | I |
$brand-light Light variant of BRAND that is accessible with dark colors | rgb(244, 246, 254) #f4f6fe BRAND_LIGHT | 2.6.0 | Yes | GA |
$brand-light-active Active / Hover state of BRAND_LIGHT | rgb(227, 229, 237) #e3e5ed BRAND_LIGHT_ACTIVE | 2.6.0 | Yes | GA |
$brand-primary Primary brand color | rgb(27, 150, 255) #1b96ff BRAND_PRIMARY | 2.6.0 | Yes | GA |
$brand-primary-active Active / Hover state of BRAND_PRIMARY | rgb(1, 118, 211) #0176d3 BRAND_PRIMARY_ACTIVE | 2.6.0 | Yes | GA |
$brand-primary-transparent Transparent value of BRAND_PRIMARY | rgba(21, 137, 238, 0.1) rgba(21,137,238,0.1) | 2.6.0 | Yes | GA |
$brand-primary-transparent-10 Transparent value of BRAND_PRIMARY at 10% | rgba(21, 137, 238, 0.1) rgba(21,137,238,0.1) | 2.6.0 | Yes | I |
$brand-primary-transparent-40 Transparent value of BRAND_PRIMARY at 40% | rgba(21, 137, 238, 0.4) rgba(21,137,238,0.4) | 2.6.0 | Yes | I |
$brand-text-link Primary text link brand color | rgb(1, 118, 211) #0176d3 BRAND_TEXT_LINK | 2.6.0 | Yes | GA |
$brand-text-link-active Active / Hover state of BRAND_TEXT_LINK | rgb(1, 68, 134) #014486 BRAND_TEXT_LINK_ACTIVE | 2.6.0 | Yes | GA |
$color-gray-1 Gray Color 1 | rgb(255, 255, 255) #ffffff PALETTE_GRAY_1 | 2.5.0 | No | I |
$color-gray-2 Gray Color 2 | rgb(250, 250, 249) #fafaf9 PALETTE_GRAY_2 | 2.5.0 | No | I |
$color-gray-3 Gray Color 3 | rgb(243, 242, 242) #f3f2f2 PALETTE_GRAY_3 | 2.5.0 | No | I |
$color-gray-4 Gray Color 4 | rgb(236, 235, 234) #ecebea PALETTE_GRAY_4 | 2.5.0 | No | I |
$color-gray-5 Gray Color 5 | rgb(221, 219, 218) #dddbda PALETTE_GRAY_5 | 2.5.0 | No | I |
$color-gray-6 Gray Color 6 | rgb(201, 199, 197) #c9c7c5 PALETTE_GRAY_6 | 2.5.0 | No | I |
$color-gray-7 Gray Color 7 | rgb(176, 173, 171) #b0adab PALETTE_GRAY_7 | 2.5.0 | No | I |
$color-gray-8 Gray Color 8 | rgb(150, 148, 146) #969492 PALETTE_GRAY_8 | 2.5.0 | No | I |
$color-gray-9 Gray Color 9 | rgb(112, 110, 107) #706e6b PALETTE_GRAY_9 | 2.5.0 | No | I |
$color-gray-10 Gray Color 10 | rgb(81, 79, 77) #514f4d PALETTE_GRAY_10 | 2.5.0 | No | I |
$color-gray-11 Gray Color 11 | rgb(62, 62, 60) #3e3e3c PALETTE_GRAY_11 | 2.5.0 | No | I |
$color-gray-12 Gray Color 12 | rgb(43, 40, 38) #2b2826 PALETTE_GRAY_12 | 2.5.0 | No | I |
$color-gray-13 Gray Color 13 | rgb(8, 7, 7) #080707 PALETTE_GRAY_13 | 2.5.0 | No | I |
$palette-blue-10 Blue 10 | rgb(0, 22, 57) #001639 PALETTE_BLUE_10 | 2.14.0 | No | I |
$palette-blue-15 Blue 15 | rgb(3, 35, 77) #03234d PALETTE_BLUE_15 | 2.14.0 | No | I |
$palette-blue-20 Blue 20 | rgb(3, 45, 96) #032d60 PALETTE_BLUE_20 | 2.14.0 | No | I |
$palette-blue-30 Blue 30 | rgb(1, 68, 134) #014486 PALETTE_BLUE_30 | 2.14.0 | No | I |
$palette-blue-40 Blue 40 | rgb(11, 92, 171) #0b5cab PALETTE_BLUE_40 | 2.14.0 | No | I |
$palette-blue-50 Blue 50 | rgb(1, 118, 211) #0176d3 PALETTE_BLUE_50 | 2.14.0 | No | I |
$palette-blue-60 Blue 60 | rgb(27, 150, 255) #1b96ff PALETTE_BLUE_60 | 2.14.0 | No | I |
$palette-blue-65 Blue 65 | rgb(87, 163, 253) #57a3fd PALETTE_BLUE_65 | 2.14.0 | No | I |
$palette-blue-70 Blue 70 | rgb(120, 176, 253) #78b0fd PALETTE_BLUE_70 | 2.14.0 | No | I |
$palette-blue-80 Blue 80 | rgb(170, 203, 255) #aacbff PALETTE_BLUE_80 | 2.14.0 | No | I |
$palette-blue-90 Blue 90 | rgb(216, 230, 254) #d8e6fe PALETTE_BLUE_90 | 2.14.0 | No | I |
$palette-blue-95 Blue 95 | rgb(238, 244, 255) #eef4ff PALETTE_BLUE_95 | 2.14.0 | No | I |
$palette-cloud-blue-10 Cloud Blue 10 | rgb(0, 26, 40) #001a28 PALETTE_CLOUD_BLUE_10 | 2.14.0 | No | I |
$palette-cloud-blue-15 Cloud Blue 15 | rgb(10, 38, 54) #0a2636 PALETTE_CLOUD_BLUE_15 | 2.14.0 | No | I |
$palette-cloud-blue-20 Cloud Blue 20 | rgb(2, 50, 72) #023248 PALETTE_CLOUD_BLUE_20 | 2.14.0 | No | I |
$palette-cloud-blue-30 Cloud Blue 30 | rgb(8, 73, 104) #084968 PALETTE_CLOUD_BLUE_30 | 2.14.0 | No | I |
$palette-cloud-blue-40 Cloud Blue 40 | rgb(5, 98, 138) #05628a PALETTE_CLOUD_BLUE_40 | 2.14.0 | No | I |
$palette-cloud-blue-50 Cloud Blue 50 | rgb(16, 124, 173) #107cad PALETTE_CLOUD_BLUE_50 | 2.14.0 | No | I |
$palette-cloud-blue-60 Cloud Blue 60 | rgb(13, 157, 218) #0d9dda PALETTE_CLOUD_BLUE_60 | 2.14.0 | No | I |
$palette-cloud-blue-65 Cloud Blue 65 | rgb(8, 171, 237) #08abed PALETTE_CLOUD_BLUE_65 | 2.14.0 | No | I |
$palette-cloud-blue-70 Cloud Blue 70 | rgb(26, 185, 255) #1ab9ff PALETTE_CLOUD_BLUE_70 | 2.14.0 | No | I |
$palette-cloud-blue-80 Cloud Blue 80 | rgb(144, 208, 254) #90d0fe PALETTE_CLOUD_BLUE_80 | 2.14.0 | No | I |
$palette-cloud-blue-90 Cloud Blue 90 | rgb(207, 233, 254) #cfe9fe PALETTE_CLOUD_BLUE_90 | 2.14.0 | No | I |
$palette-cloud-blue-95 Cloud Blue 95 | rgb(234, 245, 254) #eaf5fe PALETTE_CLOUD_BLUE_95 | 2.14.0 | No | I |
$palette-green-10 Green 10 | rgb(7, 27, 18) #071b12 PALETTE_GREEN_10 | 2.14.0 | No | I |
$palette-green-15 Green 15 | rgb(12, 41, 18) #0c2912 PALETTE_GREEN_15 | 2.14.0 | No | I |
$palette-green-20 Green 20 | rgb(14, 53, 34) #0e3522 PALETTE_GREEN_20 | 2.14.0 | No | I |
$palette-green-30 Green 30 | rgb(25, 78, 49) #194e31 PALETTE_GREEN_30 | 2.14.0 | No | I |
$palette-green-40 Green 40 | rgb(34, 104, 62) #22683e PALETTE_GREEN_40 | 2.14.0 | No | I |
$palette-green-50 Green 50 | rgb(46, 132, 74) #2e844a PALETTE_GREEN_50 | 2.14.0 | No | I |
$palette-green-60 Green 60 | rgb(59, 167, 85) #3ba755 PALETTE_GREEN_60 | 2.14.0 | No | I |
$palette-green-65 Green 65 | rgb(65, 182, 88) #41b658 PALETTE_GREEN_65 | 2.14.0 | No | I |
$palette-green-70 Green 70 | rgb(69, 198, 90) #45c65a PALETTE_GREEN_70 | 2.14.0 | No | I |
$palette-green-80 Green 80 | rgb(145, 219, 139) #91db8b PALETTE_GREEN_80 | 2.14.0 | No | I |
$palette-green-90 Green 90 | rgb(205, 239, 196) #cdefc4 PALETTE_GREEN_90 | 2.14.0 | No | I |
$palette-green-95 Green 95 | rgb(235, 247, 230) #ebf7e6 PALETTE_GREEN_95 | 2.14.0 | No | I |
$palette-hot-orange-10 Hot Orange 10 | rgb(40, 18, 2) #281202 PALETTE_HOT_ORANGE_10 | 2.14.0 | No | I |
$palette-hot-orange-15 Hot Orange 15 | rgb(66, 22, 4) #421604 PALETTE_HOT_ORANGE_15 | 2.14.0 | No | I |
$palette-hot-orange-20 Hot Orange 20 | rgb(84, 29, 1) #541d01 PALETTE_HOT_ORANGE_20 | 2.14.0 | No | I |
$palette-hot-orange-30 Hot Orange 30 | rgb(126, 38, 0) #7e2600 PALETTE_HOT_ORANGE_30 | 2.14.0 | No | I |
$palette-hot-orange-40 Hot Orange 40 | rgb(170, 48, 1) #aa3001 PALETTE_HOT_ORANGE_40 | 2.14.0 | No | I |
$palette-hot-orange-50 Hot Orange 50 | rgb(216, 58, 0) #d83a00 PALETTE_HOT_ORANGE_50 | 2.14.0 | No | I |
$palette-hot-orange-60 Hot Orange 60 | rgb(255, 93, 45) #ff5d2d PALETTE_HOT_ORANGE_60 | 2.14.0 | No | I |
$palette-hot-orange-65 Hot Orange 65 | rgb(255, 120, 79) #ff784f PALETTE_HOT_ORANGE_65 | 2.14.0 | No | I |
$palette-hot-orange-70 Hot Orange 70 | rgb(255, 144, 110) #ff906e PALETTE_HOT_ORANGE_70 | 2.14.0 | No | I |
$palette-hot-orange-80 Hot Orange 80 | rgb(254, 185, 165) #feb9a5 PALETTE_HOT_ORANGE_80 | 2.14.0 | No | I |
$palette-hot-orange-90 Hot Orange 90 | rgb(255, 222, 213) #ffded5 PALETTE_HOT_ORANGE_90 | 2.14.0 | No | I |
$palette-hot-orange-95 Hot Orange 95 | rgb(254, 241, 237) #fef1ed PALETTE_HOT_ORANGE_95 | 2.14.0 | No | I |
$palette-indigo-10 Indigo 10 | rgb(32, 6, 71) #200647 PALETTE_INDIGO_10 | 2.14.0 | No | I |
$palette-indigo-15 Indigo 15 | rgb(31, 9, 116) #1f0974 PALETTE_INDIGO_15 | 2.14.0 | No | I |
$palette-indigo-20 Indigo 20 | rgb(38, 15, 143) #260f8f PALETTE_INDIGO_20 | 2.14.0 | No | I |
$palette-indigo-30 Indigo 30 | rgb(47, 44, 183) #2f2cb7 PALETTE_INDIGO_30 | 2.14.0 | No | I |
$palette-indigo-40 Indigo 40 | rgb(58, 73, 218) #3a49da PALETTE_INDIGO_40 | 2.14.0 | No | I |
$palette-indigo-50 Indigo 50 | rgb(88, 103, 232) #5867e8 PALETTE_INDIGO_50 | 2.14.0 | No | I |
$palette-indigo-60 Indigo 60 | rgb(127, 140, 237) #7f8ced PALETTE_INDIGO_60 | 2.14.0 | No | I |
$palette-indigo-65 Indigo 65 | rgb(142, 155, 239) #8e9bef PALETTE_INDIGO_65 | 2.14.0 | No | I |
$palette-indigo-70 Indigo 70 | rgb(158, 169, 241) #9ea9f1 PALETTE_INDIGO_70 | 2.14.0 | No | I |
$palette-indigo-80 Indigo 80 | rgb(190, 199, 246) #bec7f6 PALETTE_INDIGO_80 | 2.14.0 | No | I |
$palette-indigo-90 Indigo 90 | rgb(224, 229, 248) #e0e5f8 PALETTE_INDIGO_90 | 2.14.0 | No | I |
$palette-indigo-95 Indigo 95 | rgb(241, 243, 251) #f1f3fb PALETTE_INDIGO_95 | 2.14.0 | No | I |
$palette-orange-10 Orange 10 | rgb(32, 22, 0) #201600 PALETTE_ORANGE_10 | 2.14.0 | No | I |
$palette-orange-15 Orange 15 | rgb(55, 30, 3) #371e03 PALETTE_ORANGE_15 | 2.14.0 | No | I |
$palette-orange-20 Orange 20 | rgb(62, 43, 2) #3e2b02 PALETTE_ORANGE_20 | 2.14.0 | No | I |
$palette-orange-30 Orange 30 | rgb(95, 62, 2) #5f3e02 PALETTE_ORANGE_30 | 2.14.0 | No | I |
$palette-orange-40 Orange 40 | rgb(130, 81, 1) #825101 PALETTE_ORANGE_40 | 2.14.0 | No | I |
$palette-orange-50 Orange 50 | rgb(169, 100, 4) #a96404 PALETTE_ORANGE_50 | 2.14.0 | No | I |
$palette-orange-60 Orange 60 | rgb(221, 122, 1) #dd7a01 PALETTE_ORANGE_60 | 2.14.0 | No | I |
$palette-orange-65 Orange 65 | rgb(243, 131, 3) #f38303 PALETTE_ORANGE_65 | 2.14.0 | No | I |
$palette-orange-70 Orange 70 | rgb(254, 147, 57) #fe9339 PALETTE_ORANGE_70 | 2.14.0 | No | I |
$palette-orange-80 Orange 80 | rgb(255, 186, 144) #ffba90 PALETTE_ORANGE_80 | 2.14.0 | No | I |
$palette-orange-90 Orange 90 | rgb(254, 223, 208) #fedfd0 PALETTE_ORANGE_90 | 2.14.0 | No | I |
$palette-orange-95 Orange 95 | rgb(255, 241, 234) #fff1ea PALETTE_ORANGE_95 | 2.14.0 | No | I |
$palette-pink-10 Pink 10 | rgb(55, 1, 20) #370114 PALETTE_PINK_10 | 2.14.0 | No | I |
$palette-pink-15 Pink 15 | rgb(75, 6, 32) #4b0620 PALETTE_PINK_15 | 2.14.0 | No | I |
$palette-pink-20 Pink 20 | rgb(97, 2, 42) #61022a PALETTE_PINK_20 | 2.14.0 | No | I |
$palette-pink-30 Pink 30 | rgb(138, 3, 62) #8a033e PALETTE_PINK_30 | 2.14.0 | No | I |
$palette-pink-40 Pink 40 | rgb(182, 5, 84) #b60554 PALETTE_PINK_40 | 2.14.0 | No | I |
$palette-pink-50 Pink 50 | rgb(227, 6, 106) #e3066a PALETTE_PINK_50 | 2.14.0 | No | I |
$palette-pink-60 Pink 60 | rgb(255, 83, 138) #ff538a PALETTE_PINK_60 | 2.14.0 | No | I |
$palette-pink-65 Pink 65 | rgb(254, 114, 152) #fe7298 PALETTE_PINK_65 | 2.14.0 | No | I |
$palette-pink-70 Pink 70 | rgb(254, 138, 167) #fe8aa7 PALETTE_PINK_70 | 2.14.0 | No | I |
$palette-pink-80 Pink 80 | rgb(253, 182, 197) #fdb6c5 PALETTE_PINK_80 | 2.14.0 | No | I |
$palette-pink-90 Pink 90 | rgb(253, 221, 227) #fddde3 PALETTE_PINK_90 | 2.14.0 | No | I |
$palette-pink-95 Pink 95 | rgb(254, 240, 243) #fef0f3 PALETTE_PINK_95 | 2.14.0 | No | I |
$palette-purple-10 Purple 10 | rgb(36, 6, 67) #240643 PALETTE_PURPLE_10 | 2.14.0 | No | I |
$palette-purple-15 Purple 15 | rgb(48, 11, 96) #300b60 PALETTE_PURPLE_15 | 2.14.0 | No | I |
$palette-purple-20 Purple 20 | rgb(64, 16, 117) #401075 PALETTE_PURPLE_20 | 2.14.0 | No | I |
$palette-purple-30 Purple 30 | rgb(90, 27, 169) #5a1ba9 PALETTE_PURPLE_30 | 2.14.0 | No | I |
$palette-purple-40 Purple 40 | rgb(117, 38, 227) #7526e3 PALETTE_PURPLE_40 | 2.14.0 | No | I |
$palette-purple-50 Purple 50 | rgb(144, 80, 233) #9050e9 PALETTE_PURPLE_50 | 2.14.0 | No | I |
$palette-purple-60 Purple 60 | rgb(173, 123, 238) #ad7bee PALETTE_PURPLE_60 | 2.14.0 | No | I |
$palette-purple-65 Purple 65 | rgb(183, 141, 239) #b78def PALETTE_PURPLE_65 | 2.14.0 | No | I |
$palette-purple-70 Purple 70 | rgb(194, 158, 241) #c29ef1 PALETTE_PURPLE_70 | 2.14.0 | No | I |
$palette-purple-80 Purple 80 | rgb(215, 143, 245) #d78ff5 PALETTE_PURPLE_80 | 2.14.0 | No | I |
$palette-purple-90 Purple 90 | rgb(236, 225, 249) #ece1f9 PALETTE_PURPLE_90 | 2.14.0 | No | I |
$palette-purple-95 Purple 95 | rgb(246, 242, 251) #f6f2fb PALETTE_PURPLE_95 | 2.14.0 | No | I |
$palette-red-10 Red 10 | rgb(48, 12, 1) #300c01 PALETTE_RED_10 | 2.14.0 | No | I |
$palette-red-15 Red 15 | rgb(74, 12, 4) #4a0c04 PALETTE_RED_15 | 2.14.0 | No | I |
$palette-red-20 Red 20 | rgb(100, 1, 3) #640103 PALETTE_RED_20 | 2.14.0 | No | I |
$palette-red-30 Red 30 | rgb(142, 3, 15) #8e030f PALETTE_RED_30 | 2.14.0 | No | I |
$palette-red-40 Red 40 | rgb(186, 5, 23) #ba0517 PALETTE_RED_40 | 2.14.0 | No | I |
$palette-red-50 Red 50 | rgb(234, 0, 30) #ea001e PALETTE_RED_50 | 2.14.0 | No | I |
$palette-red-60 Red 60 | rgb(254, 92, 76) #fe5c4c PALETTE_RED_60 | 2.14.0 | No | I |
$palette-red-65 Red 65 | rgb(254, 119, 101) #fe7765 PALETTE_RED_65 | 2.14.0 | No | I |
$palette-red-70 Red 70 | rgb(254, 143, 125) #fe8f7d PALETTE_RED_70 | 2.14.0 | No | I |
$palette-red-80 Red 80 | rgb(254, 184, 171) #feb8ab PALETTE_RED_80 | 2.14.0 | No | I |
$palette-red-90 Red 90 | rgb(254, 222, 216) #feded8 PALETTE_RED_90 | 2.14.0 | No | I |
$palette-red-95 Red 95 | rgb(254, 241, 238) #fef1ee PALETTE_RED_95 | 2.14.0 | No | I |
$palette-teal-10 Teal 10 | rgb(7, 27, 18) #071b12 PALETTE_TEAL_10 | 2.14.0 | No | I |
$palette-teal-15 Teal 15 | rgb(7, 40, 37) #072825 PALETTE_TEAL_15 | 2.14.0 | No | I |
$palette-teal-20 Teal 20 | rgb(2, 52, 52) #023434 PALETTE_TEAL_20 | 2.14.0 | No | I |
$palette-teal-30 Teal 30 | rgb(2, 77, 76) #024d4c PALETTE_TEAL_30 | 2.14.0 | No | I |
$palette-teal-40 Teal 40 | rgb(5, 103, 100) #056764 PALETTE_TEAL_40 | 2.14.0 | No | I |
$palette-teal-50 Teal 50 | rgb(11, 130, 124) #0b827c PALETTE_TEAL_50 | 2.14.0 | No | I |
$palette-teal-60 Teal 60 | rgb(6, 165, 154) #06a59a PALETTE_TEAL_60 | 2.14.0 | No | I |
$palette-teal-65 Teal 65 | rgb(3, 180, 167) #03b4a7 PALETTE_TEAL_65 | 2.14.0 | No | I |
$palette-teal-70 Teal 70 | rgb(1, 195, 179) #01c3b3 PALETTE_TEAL_70 | 2.14.0 | No | I |
$palette-teal-80 Teal 80 | rgb(4, 225, 203) #04e1cb PALETTE_TEAL_80 | 2.14.0 | No | I |
$palette-teal-90 Teal 90 | rgb(172, 243, 228) #acf3e4 PALETTE_TEAL_90 | 2.14.0 | No | I |
$palette-teal-95 Teal 95 | rgb(222, 249, 243) #def9f3 PALETTE_TEAL_95 | 2.14.0 | No | I |
$palette-violet-10 Violet 10 | rgb(46, 0, 57) #2e0039 PALETTE_VIOLET_10 | 2.14.0 | No | I |
$palette-violet-15 Violet 15 | rgb(61, 1, 87) #3d0157 PALETTE_VIOLET_15 | 2.14.0 | No | I |
$palette-violet-20 Violet 20 | rgb(82, 0, 102) #520066 PALETTE_VIOLET_20 | 2.14.0 | No | I |
$palette-violet-30 Violet 30 | rgb(115, 3, 148) #730394 PALETTE_VIOLET_30 | 2.14.0 | No | I |
$palette-violet-40 Violet 40 | rgb(150, 2, 199) #9602c7 PALETTE_VIOLET_40 | 2.14.0 | No | I |
$palette-violet-50 Violet 50 | rgb(186, 1, 255) #ba01ff PALETTE_VIOLET_50 | 2.14.0 | No | I |
$palette-violet-60 Violet 60 | rgb(203, 101, 255) #cb65ff PALETTE_VIOLET_60 | 2.14.0 | No | I |
$palette-violet-65 Violet 65 | rgb(209, 125, 254) #d17dfe PALETTE_VIOLET_65 | 2.14.0 | No | I |
$palette-violet-70 Violet 70 | rgb(216, 146, 254) #d892fe PALETTE_VIOLET_70 | 2.14.0 | No | I |
$palette-violet-80 Violet 80 | rgb(229, 185, 254) #e5b9fe PALETTE_VIOLET_80 | 2.14.0 | No | I |
$palette-violet-90 Violet 90 | rgb(242, 222, 254) #f2defe PALETTE_VIOLET_90 | 2.14.0 | No | I |
$palette-violet-95 Violet 95 | rgb(249, 240, 255) #f9f0ff PALETTE_VIOLET_95 | 2.14.0 | No | I |
$palette-yellow-10 Yellow 10 | rgb(40, 18, 2) #281202 PALETTE_YELLOW_10 | 2.14.0 | No | I |
$palette-yellow-15 Yellow 15 | rgb(46, 34, 4) #2e2204 PALETTE_YELLOW_15 | 2.14.0 | No | I |
$palette-yellow-20 Yellow 20 | rgb(79, 33, 0) #4f2100 PALETTE_YELLOW_20 | 2.14.0 | No | I |
$palette-yellow-30 Yellow 30 | rgb(111, 52, 0) #6f3400 PALETTE_YELLOW_30 | 2.14.0 | No | I |
$palette-yellow-40 Yellow 40 | rgb(140, 75, 2) #8c4b02 PALETTE_YELLOW_40 | 2.14.0 | No | I |
$palette-yellow-50 Yellow 50 | rgb(168, 100, 3) #a86403 PALETTE_YELLOW_50 | 2.14.0 | No | I |
$palette-yellow-60 Yellow 60 | rgb(202, 133, 1) #ca8501 PALETTE_YELLOW_60 | 2.14.0 | No | I |
$palette-yellow-65 Yellow 65 | rgb(215, 147, 4) #d79304 PALETTE_YELLOW_65 | 2.14.0 | No | I |
$palette-yellow-70 Yellow 70 | rgb(228, 162, 1) #e4a201 PALETTE_YELLOW_70 | 2.14.0 | No | I |
$palette-yellow-80 Yellow 80 | rgb(252, 192, 3) #fcc003 PALETTE_YELLOW_80 | 2.14.0 | No | I |
$palette-yellow-90 Yellow 90 | rgb(249, 227, 182) #f9e3b6 PALETTE_YELLOW_90 | 2.14.0 | No | I |
$palette-yellow-95 Yellow 95 | rgb(251, 243, 224) #fbf3e0 PALETTE_YELLOW_95 | 2.14.0 | No | I |
Background ColorBackground Color
Use these tokens for background colors only. Do not use these for border colors or text colors.
Token | Example | Released | Themeable | Support |
$color-background Default background color for the whole app. | rgb(243, 242, 242) #f3f2f2 PALETTE_GRAY_3 | 1.0.0 | No | GA |
$color-background-alt Second default background color for the app. | rgb(255, 255, 255) #ffffff WHITE | 1.0.0 | No | GA |
$color-background-alt-inverse Alternative background color for dark portions of the app. | rgb(3, 45, 96) #032d60 PALETTE_BLUE_20 | 1.0.0 | No | GA |
$color-background-backdrop The color of the mask overlay that appears when you enter a modal state. | rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.75) WHITE_TRANSPARENT_75 | 1.0.0 | No | I |
$color-background-backdrop-tint The color of the mask overlay that provides user feedback on interaction. | rgb(250, 250, 249) #fafaf9 PALETTE_GRAY_2 | 1.0.0 | No | I |
$color-background-customer Background color for UI elements related to the concept of an external user or customer. | rgb(254, 147, 57) #fe9339 PALETTE_ORANGE_70 | 1.0.0 | No | I |
$color-background-dark Dark variant of COLOR_BACKGROUND. | rgb(236, 235, 234) #ecebea PALETTE_GRAY_4 | 2.8.0 | No | I |
$color-background-destructive Color for UI elements related to destructive actions. | rgb(186, 5, 23) #ba0517 PALETTE_RED_40 | 1.0.0 | No | I |
$color-background-destructive-active Active color for UI elements related to destructive actions. | rgb(142, 3, 15) #8e030f PALETTE_RED_30 | 1.0.0 | No | I |
$color-background-destructive-hover Hover color for UI elements related to destructive actions. | rgb(186, 5, 23) #ba0517 PALETTE_RED_40 | 1.0.0 | No | I |
$color-background-error Color for UI elements related to errors. | rgb(254, 92, 76) #fe5c4c PALETTE_RED_60 | 1.0.0 | No | I |
$color-background-error-dark Dark color for UI elements related to errors. Accessible with white text. | rgb(186, 5, 23) #ba0517 PALETTE_RED_40 | 1.0.0 | No | I |
$color-background-highlight Background color for highlighting UI elements. | rgb(250, 255, 189) #faffbd LEMON_CHIFFON | 1.0.0 | No | GA |
$color-background-highlight-search Background color for highlighting text in search results. | rgb(255, 240, 63) #fff03f GORSE | 1.0.0 | No | I |
$color-background-image-overlay Color of mask overlay that sits on top of an image when text is present. | rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6) BLACK_TRANSPARENT_60 | 1.0.0 | No | I |
$color-background-info Background color for UI elements related to providing neutral information (not error, success, or warning). | rgb(112, 110, 107) #706e6b PALETTE_GRAY_9 | 1.0.0 | No | I |
$color-background-input-checkbox-disabled Disabled checkboxes | rgb(221, 219, 218) #dddbda PALETTE_GRAY_5 | 1.0.0 | No | I |
$color-background-input-disabled Disabled input | rgb(236, 235, 234) #ecebea PALETTE_GRAY_4 | 1.0.0 | No | I |
$color-background-inverse Default background color for dark portions of the app (like Stage Left or tooltips). | rgb(0, 22, 57) #001639 PALETTE_BLUE_10 | 1.0.0 | No | GA |
$color-background-inverse-light Light variant of COLOR_BACKGROUND_INVERSE. | rgb(3, 45, 96) #032d60 PALETTE_BLUE_20 | 2.8.0 | No | I |
$color-background-light Light variant of COLOR_BACKGROUND. | rgb(255, 255, 255) #ffffff PALETTE_GRAY_1 | 2.8.0 | No | I |
$color-background-notification-new Background color for a new notification list item. | rgb(243, 242, 242) #f3f2f2 PALETTE_GRAY_3 | 1.0.0 | No | I |
$color-background-offline Color for UI elements related to the offline state. | rgb(62, 62, 60) #3e3e3c PALETTE_GRAY_11 | 1.0.0 | No | I |
$color-background-post Background color of comment posts in the feed. | rgb(243, 242, 242) #f3f2f2 PALETTE_GRAY_3 | 1.0.0 | No | I |
$color-background-row-active Used as the background color for the active state on rows or items on list-like components. | rgb(236, 235, 234) #ecebea PALETTE_GRAY_4 | 1.0.0 | No | I |
$color-background-row-hover Used as the background color for the hover state on rows or items on list-like components. | rgb(243, 242, 242) #f3f2f2 PALETTE_GRAY_3 | 1.0.0 | No | I |
$color-background-row-new Used as the background color for the new state on rows or items on list-like components. | rgb(205, 239, 196) #cdefc4 PALETTE_GREEN_90 | 1.0.0 | No | GA |
$color-background-row-selected Used as the background color for selected rows or items on list-like components. | rgb(236, 235, 234) #ecebea PALETTE_GRAY_4 | 1.0.0 | No | I |
$color-background-scrollbar The background color of an internal scrollbar. | rgb(236, 235, 234) #ecebea PALETTE_GRAY_4 | 1.0.0 | No | I |
$color-background-scrollbar-track The background color of an internal scrollbar track. | rgb(201, 199, 197) #c9c7c5 PALETTE_GRAY_6 | 1.0.0 | No | I |
$color-background-selection Background color for text selected with a mouse. | rgb(216, 230, 254) #d8e6fe PALETTE_BLUE_90 | 1.0.0 | No | I |
$color-background-spinner-dot Color of the spinner dot. | rgb(176, 173, 171) #b0adab PALETTE_GRAY_7 | 1.0.0 | No | I |
$color-background-stencil Used as background for loading stencils on white background. | rgb(243, 242, 242) #f3f2f2 PALETTE_GRAY_3 | 1.0.0 | No | I |
$color-background-stencil-alt Used as an alternate background for loading stencils on gray backgrounds. | rgb(236, 235, 234) #ecebea PALETTE_GRAY_4 | 1.0.0 | No | I |
$color-background-success Color for UI elements that have to do with success. | rgb(69, 198, 90) #45c65a PALETTE_GREEN_70 | 1.0.0 | No | I |
$color-background-success-dark Dark color for UI elements that have to do with success. Accessible with white text. | rgb(46, 132, 74) #2e844a PALETTE_GREEN_50 | 1.0.0 | No | I |
$color-background-success-darker Darker color for UI elements that have to do with success. Accessible with white text. | rgb(25, 78, 49) #194e31 PALETTE_GREEN_30 | 1.0.0 | No | I |
$color-background-toast Background color for toast messaging. | rgb(112, 110, 107) #706e6b PALETTE_GRAY_9 | 1.0.0 | No | I |
$color-background-toggle Toggle background color. | rgb(176, 173, 171) #b0adab PALETTE_GRAY_7 | 1.0.0 | No | I |
$color-background-toggle-disabled Disabled toggle background color. | rgb(176, 173, 171) #b0adab PALETTE_GRAY_7 | 1.0.0 | No | I |
$color-background-toggle-hover Hovered toggle background color. | rgb(150, 148, 146) #969492 PALETTE_GRAY_8 | 1.0.0 | No | I |
$color-background-warning Color for UI elements that have to do with warning. | rgb(254, 147, 57) #fe9339 PALETTE_ORANGE_70 | 1.0.0 | No | I |
$color-background-warning-dark Dark Color for UI elements that have to do with warning. | rgb(254, 147, 57) #fe9339 PALETTE_ORANGE_70 | 1.0.0 | No | I |
$color-brand Our product brand blue. | rgb(27, 150, 255) #1b96ff PALETTE_BLUE_60 | 1.0.0 | No | GA |
$color-brand-dark Our product brand blue, darkened to meet accessibility color contrast ratios with white text. | rgb(1, 118, 211) #0176d3 PALETTE_BLUE_50 | 1.0.0 | No | GA |
$color-brand-darker Our product brand blue, darkened even further. | rgb(1, 68, 134) #014486 PALETTE_BLUE_30 | 1.0.0 | No | I |
$color-picker-slider-thumb-color-background | rgb(243, 242, 242) #f3f2f2 PALETTE_GRAY_3 | 1.0.0 | No | I |
$page-header-color-background Default Page Header background color | rgb(243, 242, 242) #f3f2f2 PALETTE_GRAY_3 | 1.0.0 | No | I |
$popover-walkthrough-alt-image | /assets/images/popovers/popover-action.png | 1.0.0 | No | I |
$popover-walkthrough-alt-nubbin-color-background | rgb(1, 118, 211) #0176d3 PALETTE_BLUE_50 | 1.0.0 | No | I |
$popover-walkthrough-color-background | rgb(0, 22, 57) #001639 PALETTE_BLUE_10 | 1.0.0 | No | I |
$popover-walkthrough-color-background-alt | rgb(1, 118, 211) #0176d3 PALETTE_BLUE_50 | 1.0.0 | No | I |
$popover-walkthrough-header-color-background | rgb(3, 45, 96) #032d60 PALETTE_BLUE_20 | 1.0.0 | No | I |
$popover-walkthrough-header-image | /assets/images/popovers/popover-header.png | 1.0.0 | No | I |
$progress-color-background-shade | rgb(243, 242, 242) #f3f2f2 PALETTE_GRAY_3 | 1.0.0 | No | I |
$progress-color-border-shade | rgb(243, 242, 242) #f3f2f2 PALETTE_GRAY_3 | 1.0.0 | No | I |
$table-color-background-header | rgb(250, 250, 249) #fafaf9 PALETTE_GRAY_2 | 1.0.0 | No | I |
$table-color-background-header-hover | rgb(255, 255, 255) #ffffff PALETTE_GRAY_1 | 1.0.0 | No | I |
Text ColorText Color
Use these tokens for text colors only. Do not use these for border colors or background colors.
Token | Example | Released | Themeable | Support |
$color-text-action-label Action label text color | Aa rgb(62, 62, 60) #3e3e3c PALETTE_GRAY_11 | 1.0.0 | No | GA |
$color-text-action-label-active Action label active text color | Aa rgb(8, 7, 7) #080707 PALETTE_GRAY_13 | 1.0.0 | No | GA |
$color-text-brand Our product brand blue. | Aa rgb(27, 150, 255) #1b96ff PALETTE_BLUE_60 | 1.0.0 | No | GA |
$color-text-brand-primary Text color found on any primary brand color | Aa rgb(255, 255, 255) #ffffff WHITE | 1.0.0 | No | I |
$color-text-button-default-disabled Text color for default secondary button - disabled state | Aa rgb(221, 219, 218) #dddbda PALETTE_GRAY_5 | 1.0.0 | No | I |
$color-text-button-default-hint Text color for a button that has a parent element that has a hover state. This is the default text/icon color for that button before its parent has been hovered over. | Aa rgb(176, 173, 171) #b0adab PALETTE_GRAY_7 | 1.0.0 | No | I |
$color-text-button-inverse Text color for a button that has a parent element that has a hover state. This is the default text/icon color for that button before its parent has been hovered over. | Aa rgb(236, 235, 234) #ecebea PALETTE_GRAY_4 | 1.0.0 | No | I |
$color-text-customer Customer text used in anchor subtitle | Aa rgb(254, 147, 57) #fe9339 PALETTE_ORANGE_70 | 1.0.0 | No | I |
$color-text-default Body text color | Aa rgb(8, 7, 7) #080707 PALETTE_GRAY_13 | 1.0.0 | No | GA |
$color-text-destructive Text color for destructive actions | Aa rgb(234, 0, 30) #ea001e PALETTE_RED_50 | 1.0.0 | No | I |
$color-text-destructive-hover Text color for destructive actions - hover state | Aa rgb(186, 5, 23) #ba0517 PALETTE_RED_40 | 1.0.0 | No | I |
$color-text-error Error text for inputs and error misc | Aa rgb(234, 0, 30) #ea001e PALETTE_RED_50 | 1.0.0 | No | GA |
$color-text-icon-default Default icon color. | Aa rgb(112, 110, 107) #706e6b PALETTE_GRAY_9 | 1.0.0 | No | I |
$color-text-icon-default-disabled Default icon color - disabled state | Aa rgb(221, 219, 218) #dddbda PALETTE_GRAY_5 | 1.0.0 | No | I |
$color-text-icon-default-hint Icon color for a button that has a parent element that has a hover state. This is the default text/icon color for that button before its parent has been hovered over. | Aa rgb(176, 173, 171) #b0adab PALETTE_GRAY_7 | 1.0.0 | No | I |
$color-text-icon-inverse Icon color on dark background | Aa rgb(255, 255, 255) #ffffff PALETTE_GRAY_1 | 1.0.0 | No | I |
$color-text-icon-inverse-active Icon color on dark background - active state | Aa rgb(255, 255, 255) #ffffff PALETTE_GRAY_1 | 1.0.0 | No | I |
$color-text-icon-inverse-hover Icon color on dark background - hover state | Aa rgb(255, 255, 255) #ffffff PALETTE_GRAY_1 | 1.0.0 | No | I |
$color-text-input-disabled Input disabled text | Aa rgb(62, 62, 60) #3e3e3c PALETTE_GRAY_11 | 1.0.0 | No | I |
$color-text-input-icon Input icon | Aa rgb(176, 173, 171) #b0adab PALETTE_GRAY_7 | 1.0.0 | No | I |
$color-text-inverse Inverse text color for dark backgrounds | Aa rgb(255, 255, 255) #ffffff WHITE | 1.0.0 | No | GA |
$color-text-inverse-weak Weak inverse text color for dark backgrounds | Aa rgb(176, 173, 171) #b0adab PALETTE_GRAY_7 | 1.0.0 | No | GA |
$color-text-label Text color for field labels. | Aa rgb(62, 62, 60) #3e3e3c PALETTE_GRAY_11 | 1.0.0 | No | GA |
$color-text-link Link text (508) | Aa rgb(1, 118, 211) #0176d3 BRAND_TEXT_LINK | 1.0.0 | No | GA |
$color-text-link-active Active link text | Aa rgb(3, 45, 96) #032d60 PALETTE_BLUE_20 | 1.0.0 | No | GA |
$color-text-link-disabled Disabled link text | Aa rgb(3, 45, 96) #032d60 PALETTE_BLUE_20 | 1.0.0 | No | GA |
$color-text-link-focus Focus link text | Aa rgb(1, 68, 134) #014486 PALETTE_BLUE_30 | 1.0.0 | No | GA |
$color-text-link-hover Hover link text | Aa rgb(1, 68, 134) #014486 BRAND_TEXT_LINK_ACTIVE | 1.0.0 | No | GA |
$color-text-link-inverse Link color on dark background | Aa rgb(255, 255, 255) #ffffff WHITE | 1.0.0 | No | GA |
$color-text-link-inverse-active Link color on dark background - active state | Aa rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5) WHITE_TRANSPARENT_50 | 1.0.0 | No | GA |
$color-text-link-inverse-disabled Link color on dark background - disabled state | Aa rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.15) WHITE_TRANSPARENT_15 | 1.0.0 | No | GA |
$color-text-link-inverse-hover Link color on dark background - hover state | Aa rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.75) WHITE_TRANSPARENT_75 | 1.0.0 | No | GA |
$color-text-placeholder Input placeholder text. | Aa rgb(112, 110, 107) #706e6b PALETTE_GRAY_9 | 1.0.0 | No | GA |
$color-text-placeholder-inverse Input placeholder text on dark backgrounds. | Aa rgb(236, 235, 234) #ecebea PALETTE_GRAY_4 | 1.0.0 | No | GA |
$color-text-required Color of required field marker. | Aa rgb(234, 0, 30) #ea001e PALETTE_RED_50 | 1.0.0 | No | GA |
$color-text-success Text color for success text. | Aa rgb(46, 132, 74) #2e844a PALETTE_GREEN_50 | 1.0.0 | No | I |
$color-text-success-inverse Text color for success text on dark backgrounds. | Aa rgb(69, 198, 90) #45c65a PALETTE_GREEN_70 | 1.0.0 | No | I |
$color-text-tab-label Color for default text in a tab group. | Aa rgb(43, 40, 38) #2b2826 PALETTE_GRAY_12 | 1.0.0 | No | I |
$color-text-tab-label-disabled Color for disabled text in a tab group. | Aa rgb(236, 235, 234) #ecebea PALETTE_GRAY_4 | 1.0.0 | No | I |
$color-text-toggle-disabled Color for disabled toggles | Aa rgb(221, 219, 218) #dddbda PALETTE_GRAY_5 | 1.0.0 | No | I |
$color-text-warning Color for texts or icons that are related to warnings on a dark background. | Aa rgb(254, 147, 57) #fe9339 PALETTE_ORANGE_70 | 1.0.0 | No | I |
$color-text-warning-alt Color for texts that are related to warnings on a light background. | Aa rgb(140, 75, 2) #8c4b02 PALETTE_YELLOW_40 | 1.0.0 | No | I |
$color-text-weak Color for text that is purposefully de-emphasized to create visual hierarchy. | Aa rgb(62, 62, 60) #3e3e3c PALETTE_GRAY_11 | 1.0.0 | No | GA |
Border ColorBorder Color
Use these tokens for border colors only. Do not use these for background colors or text colors.
Token | Example | Released | Themeable | Support |
$button-color-border-primary | rgb(221, 219, 218) #dddbda PALETTE_GRAY_5 | 1.0.0 | No | I |
$card-color-border | rgb(221, 219, 218) #dddbda PALETTE_GRAY_5 | 1.0.0 | No | I |
$card-footer-color-border | rgb(221, 219, 218) #dddbda PALETTE_GRAY_5 | 1.0.0 | No | I |
$color-border Default border color for UI elements. | rgb(221, 219, 218) #dddbda PALETTE_GRAY_5 | 1.0.0 | No | GA |
$color-border-brand Our product brand blue. | rgb(27, 150, 255) #1b96ff PALETTE_BLUE_60 | 1.0.0 | No | GA |
$color-border-brand-dark Our product brand blue, darkened to meet accessibility color contrast ratios with white text. | rgb(1, 68, 134) #014486 PALETTE_BLUE_30 | 1.0.0 | No | I |
$color-border-button-default Border color for default secondary button | rgb(221, 219, 218) #dddbda PALETTE_GRAY_5 | 1.0.0 | No | I |
$color-border-button-focus-inverse | rgb(236, 235, 234) #ecebea PALETTE_GRAY_4 | 1.0.0 | No | I |
$color-border-customer Border color for UI elements related to the concept of an external user or customer. | rgb(254, 147, 57) #fe9339 PALETTE_ORANGE_70 | 1.0.0 | No | I |
$color-border-destructive Border color for UI elements that have to do with destructive actions. | rgb(234, 0, 30) #ea001e PALETTE_RED_50 | 1.0.0 | No | I |
$color-border-destructive-active Active border color for UI elements that have to do with destructive actions. | rgb(142, 3, 15) #8e030f PALETTE_RED_30 | 1.0.0 | No | I |
$color-border-destructive-hover Hover border color for UI elements that have to do with destructive actions. | rgb(186, 5, 23) #ba0517 PALETTE_RED_40 | 1.0.0 | No | I |
$color-border-error Border color for UI elements that have to do with errors. | rgb(234, 0, 30) #ea001e PALETTE_RED_50 | 1.0.0 | No | GA |
$color-border-error-alt Alternative border color for UI elements related to errors. | rgb(254, 143, 125) #fe8f7d PALETTE_RED_70 | 1.0.0 | No | I |
$color-border-error-dark Dark alternative border color for UI elements related to errors. | rgb(254, 143, 125) #fe8f7d PALETTE_RED_70 | 1.0.0 | No | I |
$color-border-info Border color for UI elements related to providing neutral information (not error, success, or warning). | rgb(112, 110, 107) #706e6b PALETTE_GRAY_9 | 1.0.0 | No | I |
$color-border-input Border color on form elements. | rgb(221, 219, 218) #dddbda PALETTE_GRAY_5 | 1.0.0 | No | I |
$color-border-input-disabled Border color on disabled form elements. | rgb(201, 199, 197) #c9c7c5 PALETTE_GRAY_6 | 1.0.0 | No | I |
$color-border-inverse Border color to match UI elements using color-background-inverse. | rgb(0, 22, 57) #001639 PALETTE_BLUE_10 | 1.0.0 | No | I |
$color-border-link-focus-inverse | rgb(236, 235, 234) #ecebea PALETTE_GRAY_4 | 1.0.0 | No | I |
$color-border-offline Border color for UI elements related to the offline state. | rgb(62, 62, 60) #3e3e3c PALETTE_GRAY_11 | 1.0.0 | No | I |
$color-border-reminder Border color on notification reminders. | rgb(236, 235, 234) #ecebea PALETTE_GRAY_4 | 1.0.0 | No | I |
$color-border-row-selected Used as the border color for selected rows or items on list-like components. | rgb(1, 118, 211) #0176d3 PALETTE_BLUE_50 | 1.0.0 | No | GA |
$color-border-row-selected-hover Used as the border color for the hover state on selected rows or items on list-like components. | rgb(27, 150, 255) #1b96ff PALETTE_BLUE_60 | 1.0.0 | No | GA |
$color-border-selection Used to delineate the boundary of a selected component. Specific to builders. | rgb(1, 118, 211) #0176d3 PALETTE_BLUE_50 | 1.0.0 | No | I |
$color-border-selection-active Used to delineate the boundary of a component that is being clicked. Specific to builders. | rgb(250, 250, 249) #fafaf9 PALETTE_GRAY_2 | 1.0.0 | No | I |
$color-border-selection-hover Used to delineate the boundary of a component that is being hovered over. Specific to builders. | rgb(27, 150, 255) #1b96ff PALETTE_BLUE_60 | 1.0.0 | No | I |
$color-border-separator Lightest separator color - used as default separator on white backgrounds. | rgb(250, 250, 249) #fafaf9 PALETTE_GRAY_2 | 1.0.0 | No | GA |
$color-border-separator-alt Medium separator color - used as default separator on light gray backgrounds. | rgb(221, 219, 218) #dddbda PALETTE_GRAY_5 | 1.0.0 | No | GA |
$color-border-separator-alt-2 Darkest separator color - used as an alternate separator color when more differentiation is desired. | rgb(201, 199, 197) #c9c7c5 PALETTE_GRAY_6 | 1.0.0 | No | I |
$color-border-separator-inverse Used as a separator on dark backgrounds, such as stage left navigation. | rgb(3, 45, 96) #032d60 PALETTE_BLUE_20 | 1.0.0 | No | GA |
$color-border-success Border color for UI elements that have to do with success. | rgb(145, 219, 139) #91db8b PALETTE_GREEN_80 | 1.0.0 | No | GA |
$color-border-success-dark Dark alternative border color for UI elements that have to do with success. | rgb(46, 132, 74) #2e844a PALETTE_GREEN_50 | 1.0.0 | No | I |
$color-border-warning Border color for UI elements that have to do with warnings. | rgb(254, 147, 57) #fe9339 PALETTE_ORANGE_70 | 1.0.0 | No | GA |
$page-header-color-border | rgb(221, 219, 218) #dddbda PALETTE_GRAY_5 | 1.0.0 | No | I |
$page-header-joined-color-border | rgb(221, 219, 218) #dddbda PALETTE_GRAY_5 | 1.0.0 | No | I |
Use these font weights to change how thin or heavy the weight is for our font.
Token | Example | Released | Themeable | Support |
$card-font-weight Use for active tab. | Aa 700 FONT_WEIGHT_BOLD | 1.0.0 | No | I |
$font-family Default font-family for Salesforce applications | Aa -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, 'Segoe UI', Roboto, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif, 'Apple Color Emoji', 'Segoe UI Emoji', 'Segoe UI Symbol' SANS_SERIF | 1.0.0 | No | GA |
$font-family-heading | Aa -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, 'Segoe UI', Roboto, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif, 'Apple Color Emoji', 'Segoe UI Emoji', 'Segoe UI Symbol' SANS_SERIF | 1.0.0 | No | I |
$font-family-monospace | Aa Consolas, Menlo, Monaco, Courier, monospace MONOSPACE | 1.0.0 | No | I |
$font-weight-bold Used sparingly for emphasized text within regular body copy. | Aa 700 FONT_WEIGHT_BOLD | 1.0.0 | No | GA |
$font-weight-regular Most all body copy. | Aa 400 FONT_WEIGHT_REGULAR | 1.0.0 | No | GA |
$form-label-font-size | Aa 0.75rem FONT_SIZE_2 12px | 1.0.0 | No | I |
$input-static-font-size | Aa 0.875rem FONT_SIZE_4 14px | 1.0.0 | No | I |
$input-static-font-weight | Aa 400 FONT_WEIGHT_REGULAR | 1.0.0 | No | I |
$page-header-title-font-weight | Aa 700 FONT_WEIGHT_BOLD | 1.0.0 | No | I |
$tabs-font-weight Use for active tab. | Aa 700 FONT_WEIGHT_BOLD | 1.0.0 | No | I |
Font SizeFont Size
Use these sizing tokens for font sizes.
Token | Example | Released | Themeable | Support |
$font-size-1 Constant typography token for font size 1 | Aa 0.625rem FONT_SIZE_1 10px | 1.0.0 | No | I |
$font-size-2 Constant typography token for font size 2 | Aa 0.75rem FONT_SIZE_2 12px | 1.0.0 | No | I |
$font-size-3 Constant typography token for font size 3 | Aa 0.8125rem FONT_SIZE_3 13px | 1.0.0 | No | I |
$font-size-4 Constant typography token for font size 4 | Aa 0.875rem FONT_SIZE_4 14px | 1.0.0 | No | I |
$font-size-5 Constant typography token for font size 5 | Aa 1rem FONT_SIZE_5 16px | 1.0.0 | No | I |
$font-size-6 Constant typography token for font size 6 | Aa 1.125rem FONT_SIZE_6 18px | 1.0.0 | No | I |
$font-size-7 Constant typography token for font size 7 | Aa 1.25rem FONT_SIZE_7 20px | 1.0.0 | No | I |
$font-size-8 Constant typography token for font size 8 | Aa 1.5rem FONT_SIZE_8 24px | 1.0.0 | No | I |
$font-size-9 Constant typography token for font size 9 | Aa 1.75rem FONT_SIZE_9 28px | 1.0.0 | No | I |
$font-size-10 Constant typography token for font size 10 | Aa 2rem FONT_SIZE_10 32px | 1.0.0 | No | I |
$font-size-11 Constant typography token for font size 11 | Aa 2.625rem FONT_SIZE_11 42px | 1.0.0 | No | I |
$var-font-size-1 Variable typography token for font size 1 | Aa 0.625rem FONT_SIZE_1 10px | 1.0.0 | No | I |
$var-font-size-2 Variable typography token for font size 2 | Aa 0.75rem FONT_SIZE_2 12px | 1.0.0 | No | I |
$var-font-size-3 Variable typography token for font size 3 | Aa 0.8125rem FONT_SIZE_3 13px | 1.0.0 | No | I |
$var-font-size-4 Variable typography token for font size 4 | Aa 0.875rem FONT_SIZE_4 14px | 1.0.0 | No | I |
$var-font-size-5 Variable typography token for font size 5 | Aa 1rem FONT_SIZE_5 16px | 1.0.0 | No | I |
$var-font-size-6 Variable typography token for font size 6 | Aa 1.125rem FONT_SIZE_6 18px | 1.0.0 | No | I |
$var-font-size-7 Variable typography token for font size 7 | Aa 1.25rem FONT_SIZE_7 20px | 1.0.0 | No | I |
$var-font-size-8 Variable typography token for font size 8 | Aa 1.5rem FONT_SIZE_8 24px | 1.0.0 | No | I |
$var-font-size-9 Variable typography token for font size 9 | Aa 1.75rem FONT_SIZE_9 28px | 1.0.0 | No | I |
$var-font-size-10 Variable typography token for font size 10 | Aa 2rem FONT_SIZE_10 32px | 1.0.0 | No | I |
$var-font-size-11 Variable typography token for font size 11 | Aa 2.625rem FONT_SIZE_11 42px | 1.0.0 | No | I |
Use these opacity tokens for element transparency.
Token | Example | Released | Themeable | Support |
$opacity-5 50% transparency of an element | 0.5 | 1.0.0 | No | I |
$opacity-8 80% transparency of an element | 0.8 | 1.0.0 | No | I |
Line HeightLine Height
Use these tokens for changing the line-height of elements. Usually, the line-height-text is already inherited by default. Only set it if you need to apply it again.
Token | Example | Released | Themeable | Support |
$line-height-heading Unitless line-heights for reusability | The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog 1.25 | 1.0.0 | No | GA |
$line-height-reset Remove extra leading. Unitless line-heights for reusability | The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog 1 | 1.0.0 | No | GA |
$line-height-text Unitless line-heights for reusability | The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog 1.5 | 1.0.0 | No | GA |
$var-line-height-text Variable unitless line-heights for reusability | The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog 1.5 | 1.0.0 | No | I |
Spacing tokens are used for padding, margins, and position coordinates. Border-width tokens are used for the border property.
Token | Example | Released | Themeable | Support |
$spacing-large Constant spacing token for size Large | 1.5rem SPACING_LARGE 24px | 1.0.0 | No | GA |
$spacing-medium Constant spacing token for size Medium | 1rem SPACING_MEDIUM 16px | 1.0.0 | No | GA |
$spacing-none Constant spacing token for 0 | 0 SPACING_NONE | 1.0.0 | No | I |
$spacing-small Constant spacing token for size Small | 0.75rem SPACING_SMALL 12px | 1.0.0 | No | GA |
$spacing-x-large Constant spacing token for size X Large | 2rem SPACING_X_LARGE 32px | 1.0.0 | No | GA |
$spacing-x-small Constant spacing token for size X small | 0.5rem SPACING_X_SMALL 8px | 1.0.0 | No | GA |
$spacing-xx-large Constant spacing token for size XX Large | 3rem SPACING_XX_LARGE 48px | 1.0.0 | No | GA |
$spacing-xx-small Constant spacing token for size XX small | 0.25rem SPACING_XX_SMALL 4px | 1.0.0 | No | GA |
$spacing-xxx-small Constant spacing token for size XXX small | 0.125rem SPACING_XXX_SMALL 2px | 1.0.0 | No | GA |
$table-cell-spacing | 0.25rem 0.5rem SPACING_XX_SMALL SPACING_X_SMALL 4px 8px | 1.0.0 | No | I |
$template-gutters | 0.75rem SPACING_SMALL 12px | 1.0.0 | No | I |
$template-profile-gutters | 8rem 0.75rem 0.75rem 8rem SPACING_SMALL SPACING_SMALL 128px 12px 12px | 1.0.0 | No | I |
$var-spacing-horizontal-large Variable horizontal spacing token for size Large | 1.5rem SPACING_LARGE 24px | 2.7.0 | No | GA |
$var-spacing-horizontal-medium Variable horizontal spacing token for size Medium | 1rem SPACING_MEDIUM 16px | 2.7.0 | No | GA |
$var-spacing-horizontal-small Variable horizontal spacing token for size Small | 0.75rem SPACING_SMALL 12px | 2.7.0 | No | GA |
$var-spacing-horizontal-x-large Variable horizontal spacing token for size X Large | 2rem SPACING_X_LARGE 32px | 2.7.0 | No | GA |
$var-spacing-horizontal-x-small Variable horizontal spacing token for size X Small | 0.5rem SPACING_X_SMALL 8px | 2.7.0 | No | GA |
$var-spacing-horizontal-xx-large Variable horizontal spacing token for size XX Large | 3rem SPACING_XX_LARGE 48px | 2.7.0 | No | GA |
$var-spacing-horizontal-xx-small Variable horizontal spacing token for size XX Small | 0.25rem SPACING_XX_SMALL 4px | 2.7.0 | No | GA |
$var-spacing-horizontal-xxx-small Variable horizontal spacing token for size XXX Small | 0.125rem SPACING_XXX_SMALL 2px | 2.7.0 | No | GA |
$var-spacing-large Variable spacing token for size Large | 1.5rem SPACING_LARGE 24px | 2.7.0 | No | GA |
$var-spacing-medium Variable spacing token for size Medium | 1rem SPACING_MEDIUM 16px | 2.7.0 | No | GA |
$var-spacing-small Variable spacing token for size Small | 0.75rem SPACING_SMALL 12px | 2.7.0 | No | GA |
$var-spacing-vertical-large Variable vertical spacing token for size Large | 1.5rem SPACING_LARGE 24px | 2.7.0 | No | GA |
$var-spacing-vertical-medium Variable vertical spacing token for size Medium | 1rem SPACING_MEDIUM 16px | 2.7.0 | No | GA |
$var-spacing-vertical-small Variable vertical spacing token for size Small | 0.75rem SPACING_SMALL 12px | 2.7.0 | No | GA |
$var-spacing-vertical-x-large Variable vertical spacing token for size X Large | 2rem SPACING_X_LARGE 32px | 2.7.0 | No | GA |
$var-spacing-vertical-x-small Variable vertical spacing token for size X Small | 0.5rem SPACING_X_SMALL 8px | 2.7.0 | No | GA |
$var-spacing-vertical-xx-large Variable vertical spacing token for size XX Large | 3rem SPACING_XX_LARGE 48px | 2.7.0 | No | GA |
$var-spacing-vertical-xx-small Variable vertical spacing token for size XX Small | 0.25rem SPACING_XX_SMALL 4px | 2.7.0 | No | GA |
$var-spacing-vertical-xxx-small Variable vertical spacing token for size XXX Small | 0.125rem SPACING_XXX_SMALL 2px | 2.7.0 | No | GA |
$var-spacing-x-large Variable spacing token for size X Large | 2rem SPACING_X_LARGE 32px | 2.7.0 | No | GA |
$var-spacing-x-small Variable spacing token for size X Small | 0.5rem SPACING_X_SMALL 8px | 2.7.0 | No | GA |
$var-spacing-xx-large Variable spacing token for size XX Large | 3rem SPACING_XX_LARGE 48px | 2.7.0 | No | GA |
$var-spacing-xx-small Variable spacing token for size XX Small | 0.25rem SPACING_XX_SMALL 4px | 2.7.0 | No | GA |
$var-spacing-xxx-small Variable spacing token for size XXX Small | 0.125rem SPACING_XXX_SMALL 2px | 2.7.0 | No | GA |
Use radius tokens to change the border-radius size (rounded corners).
Token | Example | Released | Themeable | Support |
$border-radius-circle Circle for global use, action icon bgd shape | 50% BORDER_RADIUS_CIRCLE | 1.0.0 | No | GA |
$border-radius-large | 0.5rem BORDER_RADIUS_LARGE 8px | 1.0.0 | No | GA |
$border-radius-medium Icons in lists, record home icon, unbound input elements | 0.25rem BORDER_RADIUS_MEDIUM 4px | 1.0.0 | No | GA |
$border-radius-small | 0.125rem BORDER_RADIUS_SMALL 2px | 1.0.0 | No | GA |
$page-header-border-radius | 0.25rem BORDER_RADIUS_MEDIUM 4px | 1.0.0 | No | I |
$table-border-radius | 0 0 0.25rem 0.25rem 0 0 BORDER_RADIUS_MEDIUM BORDER_RADIUS_MEDIUM 0 0 4px 4px | 1.0.0 | No | I |
Use sizing tokens to set elements to our sizing scale. Size tokens can be used for the width and height properties. Square tokens are used for both width and height.
Token | Example | Released | Themeable | Support |
$height-header Header for desktop. | 3.125rem 50px | 1.0.0 | No | GA |
$size-large Generic sizing token scale for UI components. | 25rem SIZE_LARGE 400px | 1.0.0 | No | GA |
$size-medium Generic sizing token scale for UI components. | 20rem SIZE_MEDIUM 320px | 1.0.0 | No | GA |
$size-small Generic sizing token scale for UI components. | 15rem SIZE_SMALL 240px | 1.0.0 | No | GA |
$size-x-large Generic sizing token scale for UI components. | 40rem SIZE_X_LARGE 640px | 1.0.0 | No | GA |
$size-x-small Generic sizing token scale for UI components. | 12rem SIZE_X_SMALL 192px | 1.0.0 | No | GA |
$size-xx-large Generic sizing token scale for UI components. | 60rem SIZE_XX_LARGE 960px | 1.0.0 | No | GA |
$size-xx-small Generic sizing token scale for UI components. | 6rem SIZE_XX_SMALL 96px | 1.0.0 | No | GA |
$size-xxx-small Generic sizing token scale for UI components. | 3rem SIZE_XXX_SMALL 48px | 1.0.0 | No | I |
$square-icon-large-boundary Anchor: Outer colored tile | 3rem 48px | 1.0.0 | No | GA |
$square-icon-large-boundary-alt Anchor: avatar | 5rem 80px | 1.0.0 | No | GA |
$square-icon-large-content Anchor: Icon content (white shape) | 2rem SIZE_SQUARE_XX_LARGE 32px | 1.0.0 | No | GA |
$square-icon-medium Medium tap target size | 2rem 32px | 1.0.0 | No | I |
$square-icon-medium-boundary Stage left & actions: Outer colored tile | 2rem SIZE_SQUARE_XX_LARGE 32px | 1.0.0 | No | GA |
$square-icon-medium-boundary-alt Icon button boundary. | 2.25rem SIZE_SQUARE_XXX_LARGE 36px | 1.0.0 | No | GA |
$square-icon-medium-content Stage left & actions: Icon content (white shape) | 1rem SIZE_SQUARE_MEDIUM 16px | 1.0.0 | No | GA |
$square-icon-medium-content-alt Alternate medium tap target size | 0.875rem SIZE_SQUARE_SMALL 14px | 1.0.0 | No | I |
$square-icon-small-boundary Search Results: Outer colored tile | 1.5rem SIZE_SQUARE_X_LARGE 24px | 1.0.0 | No | GA |
$square-icon-small-content Search Results: Icon content (white shape) | 0.75rem SIZE_SQUARE_XX_SMALL 12px | 1.0.0 | No | GA |
$square-icon-utility-large Large utility icon without border. | 1.5rem SIZE_SQUARE_X_LARGE 24px | 1.0.0 | No | GA |
$square-icon-utility-medium Medium utility icon without border. | 1.25rem SIZE_SQUARE_LARGE 20px | 1.0.0 | No | GA |
$square-icon-utility-small Small utility icon without border. | 1rem SIZE_SQUARE_MEDIUM 16px | 1.0.0 | No | GA |
$square-icon-x-small-boundary Very small icon button boundary. | 1.25rem SIZE_SQUARE_LARGE 20px | 1.0.0 | No | GA |
$square-icon-x-small-content Very small icons in icon buttons. | 0.5rem SIZE_SQUARE_XXX_SMALL 8px | 1.0.0 | No | GA |
$square-icon-xx-small-boundary Very very small icon button boundary. | 1rem SIZE_SQUARE_MEDIUM 16px | 1.0.0 | No | I |
$var-square-icon-medium-boundary Variable medium boundary for square icons | 2rem SIZE_SQUARE_XX_LARGE 32px | 1.0.0 | No | I |
Use shadow tokens to set a box shadow.
Token | Example | Released | Themeable | Support |
$card-shadow Hard dropshadow found on outer cards | 0 2px 2px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.10) 0 2px 2px 0 BLACK_TRANSPARENT_10 | 1.0.0 | No | I |
$page-header-shadow Hard dropshadow on page header | 0 2px 2px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.10) 0 2px 2px 0 BLACK_TRANSPARENT_10 | 1.0.0 | No | I |
$shadow-active Shadow for active states on interactive elements. | 0 0 2px #0176d3 OFFSET_NONE OFFSET_NONE OFFSET_X_SMALLpx BRAND_ACCESSIBLE | 1.0.0 | No | I |
$shadow-drag Shadow for drag-n-drop. | 0 2px 4px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.40) OFFSET_NONE OFFSET_X_SMALLpx OFFSET_MEDIUMpx OFFSET_NONE BLACK_TRANSPARENT_40 | 1.0.0 | No | GA |
$shadow-drop-down Shadow for drop down. | 0 2px 3px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.16) OFFSET_NONE OFFSET_X_SMALLpx OFFSET_SMALLpx OFFSET_NONE BLACK_TRANSPARENT_16 | 1.0.0 | No | GA |
Use timing tokens for animation durations.
Token | Example | Released | Themeable | Support |
$duration-immediately 0.05 seconds, 3 frames | 0.05s DURATION_IMMEDIATELY | 1.0.0 | No | GA |
$duration-instantly 0 seconds, 0 frames | 0s DURATION_INSTANTLY | 1.0.0 | No | GA |
$duration-paused 3.2 seconds, 192 frames | 3.2s DURATION_PAUSED | 1.0.0 | No | GA |
$duration-promptly 0.2 seconds, 12 frames | 0.2s DURATION_PROMPTLY | 1.0.0 | No | GA |
$duration-quickly 0.1 seconds, 6 frames | 0.1s DURATION_QUICKLY | 1.0.0 | No | GA |
$duration-slowly 0.4 seconds, 24 frames | 0.4s DURATION_SLOWLY | 1.0.0 | No | GA |
Tokens that are specific to touch enabled devices
Token | Example | Released | Themeable | Support |
$height-tappable Tap target size for elements that rely on height or line-height | 2.75rem 44px | 2.10.0 | No | I |
$height-tappable-small Small tap target size for elements that rely on height or line-height | 2rem 32px | 2.10.0 | No | I |
$square-tappable Tap target size for elements that rely on width and height dimensions | 2.75rem 44px | 1.0.0 | No | GA |
$square-tappable-small Small tap target size for elements that rely on width and height dimensions | 2rem 32px | 2.10.0 | No | I |
$square-tappable-x-small X-small tap target size for elements that rely on width and height dimensions | 1.5rem 24px | 2.10.0 | No | I |
$square-tappable-xx-small Xx-small tap target size for elements that rely on width and height dimensions | 1.25rem 20px | 2.10.0 | No | I |
Media QueryMedia Query
Use media query tokens to set media query width ranges.
Token | Example | Released | Themeable | Support |
$mq-large Large form factor: devices larger than tablet | only screen and (min-width: 64.0625em) | 1.0.0 | No | GA |
$mq-medium Medium form factor: devices larger than phone | only screen and (min-width: 48em) | 1.0.0 | No | GA |
$mq-medium-landscape Medium form factor, landscape: devices larger than phone, in landscape orientation | only screen and (min-width: 48em) and (min-aspect-ratio: 4/3) | 1.0.0 | No | GA |
$mq-small Small form factor: devices smaller than tablet | only screen and (max-width: 47.9375em) | 1.0.0 | No | GA |
Use z-index tokens to set the z order layering of elements.
Token | Example | Released | Themeable | Support |
$z-index-deepdive Deep dive | -99999 | 1.0.0 | No | I |
$z-index-default Default | 1 | 1.0.0 | No | I |
$z-index-dialog Dialog | 6000 | 1.0.0 | No | I |
$z-index-docked Docked element | 4 | 1.0.0 | No | I |
$z-index-dropdown Dropdown | 7000 | 1.0.0 | No | I |
$z-index-modal Modal | 9000 | 1.0.0 | No | I |
$z-index-overlay Overlay | 8000 | 1.0.0 | No | I |
$z-index-popup Popup | 5000 | 1.0.0 | No | I |
$z-index-reminder Notifications under modals | 8500 | 1.0.0 | No | I |
$z-index-spinner Spinner | 9050 | 1.0.0 | No | I |
$z-index-sticky Stickied element | 100 | 1.0.0 | No | I |
$z-index-toast Toasts | 10000 | 1.0.0 | No | I |